Who We ARe
A diverse and growing School District

By the Numbers
School Sites
Teachers and Staff
Of students receive Special Education Services
Growth expected in the next 10 years
Of our students are
Home languages spoken
Of students speak a primary language other than English
“There is truly no place like Austin in Minnesota – and our school district is on a path to excellence. I am excited about the incredible things our faculty, staff and students are doing, and remain committed to our district’s strategic plan as we look to the future.”
Joey Page, Superintendent
Meet the school board!
School board meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Visit the school board’s webpage for meeting agendas and minutes.
A Successful Legacy of Student Programs
At Austin Public Schools, we provide many opportunities for students to deepen and accelerate their learning. In the classroom, students can access enhanced learning options such as kindergarten readiness programs, advanced courses, reading and math intervention programs, instructional coaches, high school honors classes, and college-level courses.
Student enrichment options allow students to explore their passions, from archery and mountain biking to FFA, student council, speech, art club, theater, and musical ensembles. We're also proud of our Packer athletic teams, which include football, soccer, volleyball, swimming, basketball, dance, wrestling, track and field, baseball, and more. Beyond the classroom, students connect with our local community through the Packer Profile for all PK-12 learners.
Individualized Learning Support for All Students
Austin Public Schools engages students through multi-tiered systems of support, including:
Instructional coaches that support students in reading and math.
Educational technology specialists working with instructional coaches.
Success coaches that work with non-English speaking families.